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Recently I have been interested in Jung’s ideas on philosophy and spirituality. He believed that life has a spiritual purpose beyond material goals. Our main task, he stated “is to discover and fulfil our deep, innate potential, much as the acorn contains the potential to become the oak, or the caterpillar to become the butterfly”. He thought that this journey of transformation or potential for growth is at the heart of all religions and believed that spiritual experience was essential to our well being.

This sculpture reflects his philosophy on human potential. At the heart of the work, the form is pure and circular in appearance and from this, other shapes grow connecting to Jung’s idea that one has to be centered and content within themselves if their potential is to be reached. In this piece, the main form of the work exists only as a negative space to portray the spiritual side of man, something that has no physical representation in our lives but is in the centre of all people. Around this spiritual centre, the clay body of the sculpture begins to grow in forms that are natural in appearance signifying that if you are centred from the inside, one can grow and fulfil their full potential. I have purposely chosen to make the work in a solid ceramic material as it is a strong contrast to the negative centre, and I carefully decided on an earthy and shiny glaze. I have also used a light which shines on the piece to emphasise the contrast between the physical, material and the spiritual world which in turn gives the sculpture more power and depth. The work is meant to be seen at head height so that the viewer is confronted with the concept at eye level. Nevertheless, there is potential for the piece to exist at a human size so that the viewer can walk through the hollow space in order to participate in the full spiritual experience.

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